import { useState } from 'react';
import {EVMConnect, Tokens, Chains} from 'resmic'
function App() {
const [paymentStatus, setPaymentStatus] = useState(false) // Returns bool after the payment
// Your code...
return (
<EVMConnect Address={"YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS"} //Wallet address to receive funds
Chains={[ Chains.Ethereum, Chains.Polygon, Chains.Goerli]} //Choose the blockchains to allow payments from
Tokens ={[Tokens.USDT, Tokens.BUSD, Tokens.MATIC, Tokens.ETH]} //Choose the Tokens to accept payments from
Amount={100} //Amount you want to receive in USD($)
setPaymentStatus = {setPaymentStatus}
noOfBlockConformation={5} //No. of blocks to wait for the payment conformation (Optional)
Style = {{displayName: "Make Payment",
backgroundColor: "#007bff",
color: "#fff",
border: "none",
padding: "10px 20px",
borderRadius: "4px",
fontSize: "18px"}}